Prosper Property

Protect and grow your wealth

If you’d like your money to work harder, we’d like to talk. At Prosper Property, we’re a family business that works with private investors and pension trustees to unlock funding for property investment and development opportunities. We have a proven track record, and can offer you an excellent return – or help you build or manage a property portfolio of your own.



Our formula for developing a successful property is simple...

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Investing in property for maximum returns...

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Property owners

Talk to us about buying or managing your investment property ...

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Developing successful properties since 2005

At Prosper Property, we developed our first rental property in 2005, and we still manage it successfully today. We believe in building for the long term – and not only our houses.

As successful local businesspeople, we know that word travels fast – and if you want a long career, it pays to do things right. So we do right by our investors, our suppliers, and our customers.


On the face of it, property development is simple: find a great location, and create a high quality product that meets real, local needs. But it takes work.

Investor video mockup (1)

Do you want to protect and grow your wealth without wasting your most valuable resource... your time?

Case Study Reveals:

  • Why you need to know what the professional property developers know
  • The secret weapon of all multi million property investors
  • The simple system to save you days, weeks or months of your time
James Gardner

"Having run a large business for many years it's clear there is one common route to success - people! Finding the right people to employ, partner or invest in is never easy but with Mark it was clear from the start that he was a great find."



The first step in any relationship is a conversation.

Whether you’re an investor or property owner we can help you protect and grow your wealth.