Protect and grow your wealth


We work with a small network of investment partners, to unlock funding for new joint venture opportunities. Each partner has their own timetable, return and exit goals.

Now savings rates have fallen, investing with us is an excellent way to keep your money working harder for you.

But everyone has their own priorities. You might only want to invest for a short while, and gain a quick return, or you could choose to partner with us to build a property portfolio of your own. You could be investing your own savings, maximising returns for a cash-rich business, or acting as a pension trustee.


Developing relationships

We work with a small network of private individuals and pension trustees. It helps us to build up a personal relationship, so we can understand your needs and offer the investment opportunities that’ll suit you best.

That understanding means we can create a legally complaint investment structure that’s completely bespoke to you, and that we can both be certain we’re comfortable with how each venture will work – for everyone’s benefit. It also means we can work harder behind the scenes, viewing more properties and being more selective, rather than offering you an opportunity that doesn’t meet your investment needs.

It works both ways

We put a lot of effort into our businesses, so we want to work with good, honest investors we can trust: meeting up, shaking hands, and talking openly about how things are going.

It might sound old-fashioned, but it’s what we know.


"Having run a large business for many years it’s clear there is one common route to success - people! Finding the right people to employ, partner or invest in is never easy but with Mark it was clear from the start that he was a great find."


“Most importantly, the deal stacks up. While it ties up some of my money for a while, we have a scheduled plan to release this. Ultimately, providing a cash flowing asset with no money left in!"


“Working with Prosper, it became clear they were exactly what we were looking for. They knew the industry, and were honest, open and clear about what they could do for us. We had a very natural report which encouraged us to work together further."



The first step in any relationship is a conversation. Whether you’re an investor, a property owner or a landlord – or if you just have a question that we might be able to help you with – please feel free to get in touch or schedule a call when it's convenient for you.


2 Tresco Place, Falmouth TR11 2JH